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1144 North 11th Street
Omaha, NE, 68102
United States


We reclaim barns in the Midwest, sharing their history on the back of every product we make. We sell trays, tables, custom pieces, and bulk raw materials.

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Wendy Andrews Vonderlinn and "The Artist"

Barnwood Trays

Creativity is not the finding
of a thing,
but the making something
out of it
after it is found.
-James Russell Lowell


A couple of months ago at the Warrens Cranberry Festival we met a woman who came into our booth and chatted with us about her passion for barns. She maintains a blog called WAVPhoto and wrote a very nice post about finding us in Warrens, WI. You can view her post here: WAVPhoto: The Artist (the above poem is from her post).

We find it very rewarding when we talk to people who share the same passion about barns, heritage and how the old barns are disappearing. Thanks Wendy for supporting our mission.